Friday, December 23, 2011
Scary, scary morning
Turns out there was a wire melting in our electrical panel. I called hubby and fell to my knees to pray. Oh, please Lord, save our home. Please let us be okay. Then I thanked God that my kids weren't home alone. Would they know what to do? I think I'd better make sure that they do.
Hubby's home now, the power is off and we are awaiting the arrival of the electrician. (yes, it's 23 degrees outside) Could it have caught fire? I don't know, but I do know that the electric panel door was really hot!
I'm praying for a happy ending.
I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas! (especially my kiddos!)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
new budget
We are going to add in an allowance for both of us. We are going to discuss what amount that should be. I kept track of all expenses this past year, so we will use that as a guide. We will use an envelope for this same as all other expenses.
For me- I plan on requesting $50 per month. This will include: $20 for hobbies and crafts, $20 for treasure hunting and/or buying used books and $10 for any fast food or coffee cravings. {yes, I make coffee at home, but sometimes I get together with friends and have breakfast or coffee. I don't want to miss out on that} If I come across something that I really want, it would come out of my allowance, which means I would need to readjust my totals. If I really want a pair of shoes, then there won't be any crafting this month etc. {I go to monthly scrapbooking crops that cost $8 to just to be there} We can do this!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
finishing my Christmas crafts
Monday, December 12, 2011
making gifts today!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
this is my 200th post!!!!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Year end wrap up
Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to reach our 2011 goals. I was pretty bummed over this. I had this amazing scenario planned, where we would wake up, on Jan 1, 2012 and have no debt beyond our mortgage. {happiness, merriment, confetti...}
We have had A LOT of unplanned expenses. Auto repairs, vet bills, careless spending, home repairs etc. We are most likely going to be about $2000 short of the projected goal. {if only the trees didn't need work....}
I want to throw a tantrum. I won't.
I will pull up my big girl panties and move on.
We will plan a new budget for the new year. We will rejoice in all that we have accomplished.
God is good. We are blessed.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
what to do with all of these recipes?
I have said several times, both out loud and in my head, that I consider this to be restricting. I just know we'd get bored of eating the same thing over and over again. Hubby disagrees. He would happily eat about 5 recipes repeatedly. Oh geez.
I was recently going though my recipe file, to prepare my menu and grocery list, and was overwhelmed. I have quite a few recipes. I think that I may just go through them all, and remove anything that I've either never made or haven't made in a long while. I'll set them all aside, and if I don't use them in a month or they will go to the recycling bin.
I'm beginning to appreciate the simplicity of a smaller recipe box.
Friday, December 2, 2011
a paper- free Christmas morning
My plan was to hit the thrift stores and yard sales in search of fabric. I have the patterns for the drawstring bags at the ready. I just have many gifts left to make, as well as my Christmas cards.
The alternative? I did hit the thrift stores and the dollar store and found bags, in different shapes, for about a dollar each.
After Christmas, I will start making the bags. I can use them for birthdays etc, before Christmas rolls around again.
I will still have a wrapping paper free holiday, they just won't be homemade. I'm okay with that.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
one perk of a doctor's visit
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Christmas shopping
So, I went back and used my new $25 in gift cards and finished my shopping. I also printed coupons for $4 off of a woman's sweater. There was also one in the paper, so I bought two clearance ladies sweaters each with a $4 off coupon.
I do not participate in Black Friday. I don't believe in it. It's far too stressful. I just plan, save and look for coupons.
Christmas shouldn't be stressful. It should be relaxing and happy. I actually shop and prepare months in advance. There are just some things that need to be purchased closer to the day. Especially if you have kids that keep changing their minds! ha ha
I actually enjoy strolling the malls during the frenzied shopping times of Christmas. The music, cheer, decor...LOVE IT!
Stressful, crazy shopping is NOT the Reason for The Season!!! ♥
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Every good thing must come to an end
I feel even more blessed to have landed one of them!
The place where I have a 4 month seasonal job, may keep some people on after the holidays. You would need to reapply and interview if you are interested. The part time income is really helping us right now. I just don't like the idea of applying for and interviewing for a job that I already won. It seems weird to me. If you are hired and do a good job, why don't they just keep you?
I think that I may reapply. Its close to home and works well with my family's schedule.
It's just sad to think that my days of being a "stay at home" mom will come to an end. I like that title. I love being there for my family.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I give up...
I stopped using dryer sheets.
I've tried vinegar as a rinse agent. I've tried spraying liquid fabric softener on a rag, and throwing that into the dryer. We've also tried the new fabric softener crystals. {our washing machine doesn't mix liquid softener correctly and ends up staining our clothes. Darn high efficiency washer}
We have spent so many days with our clothes just clinging to us. Everything that you touch shocks you. We were literally electronically charged. Ouch.
I used part of my free coupon to buy a box of dryer sheets.
I'm not going back, to life without dryer sheets, but I promise to compost or re purpose them in any way I can find.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Do you pick up stuff, off of the ground?
I cashed the ticket in, and gave him the money. You'd never seen a 10 year old that happy! ha ha
So, I always keep an eye out. I've found Catalina coupons, for items that I was going to buy. Mostly we find not winning scratch tickets. But I figure, its a win-win. We are picking up trash, which makes everything look better, and occasionally we find treasures.
Yesterday, I found a Catalina coupon for $10 off of a $10 or more purchase at Safeway! I don't normally shop there, but if it's free...☺ It expired yesterday so I needed to act quickly. As soon as I got off of work, I planned to head over to Safeway. I was tired and ready to go home, but free is free! So, I called hubby and asked what was on my grocery list and went shopping.
The funny part was the reaction of the man in line behind me. He said "You got all that for $0.09?" ha ha. Yep.
I will continue to pick up "trash", you never know what you may find!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Starting over
I failed.
I would do well with my food journal, for a few weeks, and then forget. I would be right on with my walks and/or workouts. Then forget.
It's been a few years since I lost 18 pounds. I really don't want to gain any of it back. So far Ive gained only about 2 pounds back. That's not too bad, but I just feel blah most of the time. Not drinking enough water, too much sugar, no exercise. I need to fix this! Time to add my health back to the to-do list!
I started small. I'm starting with the workouts first. The diet will come second. It takes time to make it a habit. I'm sore today, but I feel happy about that. My food journal is making a comeback. I had more water today and less coffee. I had more veggies and less chips. I had egg whites and veggies for breakfast, and no bread. I'm adding a few more minutes to my workouts everyday. My goal is to get back to at least 20 minutes per day. For now.
I can do this
Friday, November 4, 2011
There's a mouse in the house
How did it get in? Why is it here? How can I get it to leave? I am 1,000 times freaked out! There are tell tale little mouse poopies on the floor. My son saw it run by him. Hubby heard it scratching along the wall. HELP!
The irony is while we are trying to eradicate a field mouse from the house, we have 2 domestic mice as pets. Oh geez.
Any suggestions?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Of course we roasted the seeds.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
a book that I saw, in the library
The title got me thinking and I actually think that someone will be interested in knowing what I had for lunch.
Today, I had for lunch: 1 Morningstar® veggie corn dog, a handful of grapes, 1 can of generic diet ginger ale and 4 Reece's® Pieces.
You're welcome.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hubby says he knows exactly what he's doing with his half. I have a weird frugal mind. I still want to use it in the budget. He says to have fun. It's not a lot. $50 is all. Why is it so hard for me to go crazy and spend? I think that maybe I might get a new griddle. I've always wanted one. They are on sale.
Then maybe a chair massage at Whole Foods. Maybe Starbucks? Writing about it is actually getting me excited. Maybe a Goodwill shopping spree......
Monday, October 24, 2011
What to do?
I've resisted because I just don't want a credit card. I was just at the store, and the lady in front of me was using a $25 gift certificate for signing up. It seems that you will also receive that gift certificate, to be used on your first shopping trip.
Lots of benefits. If you make sure to pay it off before the due date, then there are no finance charges.
Hmmm........ What should we do........
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Final harvest part 1
Beets! These were a part of dinner last night {picture below}
Peppermint and spearmint, these are hanging in the attic right now, and will soon become tea!
A few more zucchini. These became zucchini bread yesterday. Sorry, no picture. It was cut into as soon as it came out of the oven!
The last of the tomatoes. These are hanging in the attic as well, hoping to ripen.
Here are the beets along with some sweet potatoes and onions, roasted in the oven with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder and a sprinkle of sugar. YUM!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
treasure hunting!
Monday, October 3, 2011
talking about saving
We actually have 3 ways that we save. At our local bank, we have 2 savings accounts and one CD. We consider the CD to be "hands off"! We have about 3 1/2 months' worth of monthly expenses in there. That money is to be used in an absolute emergency. When we first opened it, about 8 years ago, we were making about $240 in interest per month. Now, we are making about $17-$20 every 4 months. OUCH! We are still thankful for that little bit. It all helps.
Our first savings account is for Christmas. We have an automatic debit once per month and in late November I withdraw almost all of it and go shopping. {you have to have a minimum balance of $100 to avoid charges} We have been doing this for about 8 years as well and it really helps. Makes that wonderful time of the year less stressful.
Our second savings account also is on an auto debit. We signed up to have money automatically transferred once per month to enable us to have free checking. I think it's a fabulous idea. The second account is for any and all emergency expenses. This is where we took the money from, last month, and it really was a lifesaver! We not only have auto transfers, we also deposit extra into it each month. Now that we have had to use over $2,000 we will need to build that back up.
Hubby will have an extra check this month, due to the way the paydays fall, so I plan to put his check right into savings.
We are so blessed, and I cannot wait to say that we are debt free. It will make all of the sacrificing worth it and it will be a grand day!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This is not a joke

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
September budget accountability meeting
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
talking about God
I have had someone become quite agitated that I would suggest such a thing. That person was Wiccan. She did not believe that any Gods existed and was offended that I would offer to add her to my prayer list. She was someone very close to me and going through rough times. When a hospital chaplain left her room and said "may God bless you", she was angry and responded with "my goddess bless you". I think that was her way of saying F*** you to him. She was pleased with her remark and said something to the effect of, that will teach him.
Yikes, with a response like that, from someone close to me, it's no wonder I was nervous about offering to add my coworker to my prayer list. Luckily, it turned out well. I don't think I have the heart of someone that could witness to others. Rejection is hard. How does He handle that? ☺
Monday, September 26, 2011
todays garden harvest
Friday, September 23, 2011
preparing for Fall
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Staying organized
When my home is in disarray, it can actually stress me out! My kitchen cupboards are arranged by type of food and all items are neatly placed in order. My bathroom cupboards are the same. Ditto on the ole bedroom closets and dresser. Neat and tidy. I wasn't always this way. It came about when I quit working full time to stay home. My life was now devoted to keeping my home clean.
With only one child left at home, my obsession with a super clean home has cooled off a bit. I still keep the bathroom and kitchen very clean. (don't like germs...yuck!) I just am okay with a little bit of dust. Vacuuming every day is no longer a priority. I think Im mellowing out somewhat.
Except for paper budget and finances. I still write down every expense and keep a running total, to hopefully not go over the predetermined budget amounts. I also use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of and tally, monthly expenses. I have our monthly bills spread out into 2 week payments. Meaning, every payday I know that I need to pay the bills. I enter them into the spreadsheet to monitor if there's an increase and to make sure that everything is paid on time. I set up our budget so that all payments are made at least one week early.
There's just something very comforting about keeping up with our family's finances. It's nice to know that our bills are paid on time, every time. I guess I'm just a neat freak. I'm okay with that.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I salute you, working women/mothers and budget
There is a coupon in today's paper, for Target, for this loaf of bread absolutely free! A $2.79 value. I didn't waste any time, luckily there is a Target within walking distance. I figure by the end of the day, their meager supply will be gone. {they had about 30 loaves.}
I am so happy that I raised my grocery budget and stopped trying to be perfect. I went to the store this morning, for just a few things. It is September 21, and after today's purchases, I still have $62.00 left in my grocery envelope! Woo Hoo! I may even have money left over at the end of the month. I saved a total of $15.79 in coupons, spending $54.00. I think that's pretty reasonable.
So much less stressful! It's good to be average and not a super duper extreme couponing, crazed person. Life is better here.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Today's harvest and Christmas
preparing for Christmas
I buy little trinkets all of the time. My goal is to have all of the stocking stuffers ready to go before December even arrives. Well, I am happy to report that I beat that goal. It is still September, and I am ready to stuff stockings! (I actually just have my teenage son left) I stuff stockings for my hubby, our 4 kids and the boyfriend, girlfriend and fiancé that we have in our family now. So, a total of 8 stockings. I did go over my initial budget of $20 per person, but once again, I am in no way going to pretend that I am perfect. Luckily, I have a temporary/seasonal job right now. That will not only pay for Christmas, but will help pay off one more bill!
We do have a budget in place for Christmas shopping. When my children were younger, I went way overboard with shopping. I'm not too sure why, just like to spoil my kiddos I guess. As our family grows, hubby and I agree that we need to cut back on spending. Last year, we spent $200 per kid, this year we will spend $100. (not including stockings)
Since I am having an honest blogging week, I can tell you that I have, in the past spent $400 per kid, for Christmas. I know....yikes!!! That's what Kmart layaway does. Ha ha ha. It allows you to buy all you want, but not pay for it all upfront. And yes, when hubby found out, he wasn't all to happy. That was about 10 years ago. I have learned a valuable lesson. {I only go crazy shopping at Christmas!} I now shop all year long, I check thrift stores, clearance sections in the store and look for coupons. My kids now how frugal I am. They know that I don't usually spend full retail price for an item. They really don't care. They just love to receive what was on their wish list!
Friday, September 16, 2011
I need to realize that I am not perfect
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
todays photos
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Signs of fall
The autumn sales displays are already out. The Burning Bush's leaves are starting to turn red. The Mums are budding. Some of the plants are starting to wilt.
I'm sitting outside right now, working on my laptop, and I think I may need to get a sweater. It's 74 degrees, but the slight breeze has a chill in it.
Unfortunately, my post summer storm garden will have enough time to grow a lot of veggies. I have baby pumpkins that just don't stand a chance.
Autumn has to be one of my favorite seasons. It's so beautiful.
Friday, September 9, 2011
misc pictures
After the crazy storm that we had here in July, I didn't have any hopes of harvesting anything. Boy was I surprised this morning! 3 zucchini, 1 baby butternut squash. 1 large spaghetti squash 4 cherry tomatoes and 5 stalks of lavender flowers. YAY!!!!
This is the tomato sauce that I cooked and pureed. I put LOTS O' tomatoes and zucchini in my turkey roaster, along with onions, banana peppers, basil and garlic and a drizzle of olive oil. {all the veggies came from the farmers market, the herbs from my garden} I just let it simmer all day and when it was mushy, I blended it all in my food processor. YUM!
Read this book and follow this blog to find more amazingly easy recipes like this one!
These are the muffins that I went crazy baking a couple of weeks ago! They are all in the freezer now. I made 27 regular sized muffins....
Thursday, September 8, 2011
I'm back....
On a lighter note, I picked up a part time job. I'm pretty excited about that fact! It's only about 15-20 hours per week, but I really think the extra income will help us reach our year end {and 5 year} goals. We really want to have all debt gone by December 31 of this year, and have the mortgage paid within 5 years.
Lately, things keep popping up. This needs to be fixed, that just broke, etc. With my meager income, I'm hoping to stay on track with the budget, as well as build up savings for those unexpected things. I know for certain that our furnace will need repairing or replacing really soon. Some things you can plan for ahead of time. Others, like major car repairs last month, you just can't plan.
To stay on the ole grocery budget, I really need to watch my menu planning, especially for the days/nights that I will work. I work tonight, so I just put a pot of clam chowder in the slow cooker. I'm going to raise some yeast bread, and bake that before I leave. I think planning will be key to staying away from take out and/or convenience foods. I will only work 3-4 days per week, but I will generally be leaving when I normally start preparing dinner.
I know that this little job may not seem like much, and it will most likely prevent me from being at every family event, but I think a small amount of sacrifice now will be a great benefit in the long run. Becoming debt free will be like Christmas for me! I will dance in the streets and sing joyously and praise God for his help. {I asked Him for guidance on this. Do I apply? After the interview, I prayed to God, and said if it's His will, I would love this job.}
Here's my super easy Clam Chowder recipe. I wait until the clams are on sale, and then I buy a few cans to have on hand. Try it, I guarantee that you will love it!
Clam Chowder
2 cans cream of celery soup
1 can cream of mushroom
2- 6.5 ounce cans of clams, with the juice
1 16 ounce bag of hash browns, or grate a few potatoes
2 cups milk or half and half
2 TBSP chopped bacon
1/4 tsp pepper
optional- 1 small can of sliced mushrooms, or sliced fresh mushrooms
Spray slow cooker. Combine all in cooker and stir. Cover and cook on low 4-4 1/2 hours, or on high 8-9 hours. I serve in soup bowls with a sprinkling of grated cheese and with bread and salad on the side. Makes about 6 servings.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Ready made meals
For those and many more reasons, I like to have meals in the freezer so I can just heat something up. Tonight, for example, I made a Mexican lasagna. I made 8 portions. Half of it went into the freezer. The way that I freeze lasagna is simple. I let it cool, cut it into square slices, and freeze on wax paper lined cookie sheet. When frozen, I put the individual portions into a plastic bag. This makes them very easy to thaw or reheat. (and it keeps the shape of the lasagna)
You can make so many meals that freeze very nicely. I try to avoid milky meals or potatoes. They don't reheat very well. I will freeze soups, just not creamy soups. Taco meat, meatloaf, burritos and spaghetti are good examples.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Want to know what is really cool?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Getting ready....
I do know that mornings can be hectic if you are not prepared. For that reason, I have spent the last couple of weeks preparing for school mornings. In the kitchen. I have been making muffins, pancakes and egg sandwiches. I'm trying to have the freezer well stocked, before school starts. I find it so much easier to thaw breakfast versus making the meal every morning.
I have just been making double batches when I have been cooking lately. I have also been freezing berries, mangoes and bananas for smoothies. There's nothing easier than to whip up a fruit smoothie and thaw a muffin and call it breakfast. Even if we get up late, smoothies and muffins are quite portable. (yes, we have been known to have breakfast on the way to school.)
Our smoothies:
Rice or coconut milk
Frozen fruit
Splash of vanilla
Splash of agave nectar
Small scoop of protein powder
Our breakfast sandwiches:
Wheat hamburger buns or English muffins (preferably on clearance)
Sliced rice cheese
Fried egg with broken yolk
Canadian bacon or regular bacon (whichever was on sale, combined with a coupon)
After I assemble the sandwiches, I freeze them on a cookie sheet and then transfer to a container. They thaw pretty quickly, in the microwave, usually about 30 seconds. The cheese is melty and yummy!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What a wonderful day!
Thats all that I have to say right now. I'm in the middle of pruning a 10 foot hedge down to a 6 foot height. It's exhausting.
Break is over, back to work.
Monday, August 15, 2011
What the storm left behind
The storm left me with mostly a mess to clean up. Over a month later, we have Hollyhocks. They came back. They look like a storm didn't even crush them.
I am going to the other farmers market this week. It may be farther away, but after the disappointment of the last market, I am truly looking forward to this journey! I am going to get lots o' zucchini! I usually have zucchini, spaghetti squash and yellow squash taking over the house at this time. I'm pretty sad that I don't, but I will this Thursday. I plan to get there when it opens and fill my bags. Then it will all be processed and frozen.
I may not have grown the bounty, but I will have it ready all winter long.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My stats
WOW! Thank you to all that have stopped by. It's amazing to think that people would want to read my blog posts.
I am humbled.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Down time
I've been very busy this week. There is the major yard project that has occupied much of my time. There were school registrations. Many appointments. Errands to run. And we can't forget the usual cooking, cleaning and laundry.
It's almost 6:00 PM. I can smell dinner simmering on the stove. I hear the washing machine running. The dog is snoring and, I think, dreaming of chasing a squirrel. Hubby isn't home yet and the kids are at a friends party.
I'm laying on the bed reading blogs and email.
I don't feel the least bit guilty.
It's my down time.
I may even take a quick cat nap....
Friday, August 5, 2011
Best iced coffee and surprise beans
It has been so hot! But I love to have a cup of coffee in the afternoon. Solution? Iced coffee. The fact that it's homemade makes it even tastier!
I have already discussed how I save money by making coffee at home. Now I'll share how I have yummy iced coffee for pennies per cup. (and it tastes so much like Starbucks,if not better!)
When I make a pot of coffee, I pour myself a cup. I pour some into an ice cube tray and the rest goes into the fridge for another day. After the coffee ice cubes freeze, I put them into a plastic container. When Im ready for an iced coffee, I add a few cubes to the blender. To that I add some milk and sweetener. Sometimes I also add a splash of vanilla. Blend all and enjoy.
Soooooo good! And refreshing on a hot summer day!
I was weeding the garden today and found an unexpected treasure! Beans! The bean plants were destroyed in the hail storm last month. Imagine my surprise to find a small bean plant with two full size beans. I know there's only two, but I just about gave up hope of ever harvesting anything this year! Yay!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
If this is this farmers market...where are the farmers?
The farmers market that we used to have in town was so much fun. There were at least a dozen farmers as well as kettle corn, a BBQ truck and a local baker. You could do your shopping and be on your way in a matter of minutes. But why would you? It was a place to visit and even run into friends and neighbors.
The farmers would travel from Olathe, Co as well as Rocky Ford, Co. They would bring their corn and melons. There would be yummy samples.
Well, they moved it away. There weren't enough customers here. Bummer. The new location is a good 20 minute drive. We could walk to the former location. There's a new market this year. Imagine my happiness! It's a mere 8 minute drive. I looked forward to going. Even planned my day around it, since it's only open for 2 hours.
Now imagine my shock when I arrive, with all of my excitement and find ONE farmer. The so called farmer had just one local crop. A few onions. Everything else was from California. Really? And the prices were outrageous!!! One dollar for a small zucchini! Wow! I couldn't believe that this was called a farmers market.
There were 10 other booths. All of them were venders and restaurants. Nothing made locally and nothing made by farmers.
Sad day.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
reading addict/libraries
My family is addicted to gadgets, and cable, and You Tube etc, they must be "plugged in" at all times. It drives me batty. {I've suggested canceling the cable, but my life was threatened...ha ha}
My hubby always sits down and immediately turns on the TV. In his defense, he does ask if there's something that I watch. No, I reply. There's nothing that I want to watch. I pick up my book and go to another room. {cant read with the noisy TV}
Like the blog post above, I also volunteer at the library's book sale. I think it's a worthwhile cause. The money raised funds the reading programs. {and I get first pick of the crop!}
The bad news is this: the libraries are in trouble! Our local county is getting ready to close a few more libraries. Most locations are already closed a few days per week. They just laid off so many people.
Neighboring counties are also planning to close locations and lay off more people. They tried going to the voters for help, but the measures didn't pass.
I would be so sad without my library! If your local county puts a measure up for voting this fall, for the library, please consider supporting it.
Thank you
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
uh-oh....we went over budget
July was a very expensive month for us. We had major repairs on both vehicles for starters. We had to spend almost $1400 just for auto expenses. {I normally budget $230 for this category} We also had major vet bills. Add to that the over spending of groceries, dining out and miscellaneous expenses and you have the makings of a blown budget! Yikes.
I guess summer does that to you. It's just a time to relax.
Well, we will make up for that this month. I sat down yesterday and took stock of the freezer and pantry. I made a three week menu plan and then made a grocery list around that. I will plan to have leftovers after every dinner, so my hubby will have a lunch the next day.
I went to 4 stores, to find the best bargains. I combined coupons with the sales as best as I could.
The result was spending $164.92:
grocery- $53.69
Walgreens- $12.74
Whole Foods- $48.12
Sam's Club- 50.37
I also had to renew my Sam's membership, so that will add $40 to the grocery total for the month. I plan to visit the farmers market on Thursday and will most likely run out of something, in the next 3 weeks, so I have a budget of $60 for those trips. That will put me at $245 at the end of three weeks for groceries. {including membership renewal}
I will have to do more baking {early in the day of course} but we really need to get back on course.
I also went to the bank yesterday and filled my budget envelopes. No debit card this month!!! Hubby also has his "mad money" already in his wallet. So we have our funds for entertainment, allowance, grocery, home care, eating out, any gift purchases, gas and misc purchases. When the envelope is empty...that's it!
We will have to go school clothes shopping and pay school fees, but those have been budgeted for. We are actually starting school clothes shopping today. We are going to Ross and the thrift store. We already have the school supplies. {Hello summer school supply sales! ha ha}
Okay, I feel better now that I've confessed. Thanks. ☺
Monday, August 1, 2011
The "end times"
So, after reading about the end times, what was my first thought? I hope He gives me enough time to grab my scrapbooks and the pictures off of the wall. I don't want to leave without those! ha ha ha
It's not like it's a flood coming and you can save your priceless treasures. Oh my goodness. I just had to laugh at myself over that one. I am such a mom sometimes.
But seriously, do you think He will let me at least take the scrapbooks?