*The extra income will help us to reach our financial goals. I really want to pay off this mortgage. Buying a new car set us back a bit, but it was really needed. We plan to pay it in full, in a fraction of the time.
*So, you see I haven't had much time for the internet. {except for research and studying} I'll try to stop by more often. The last post was drafted in Dec 2012. I just saw it and published it. That's how long its been. Wow!
*I have become a Vegan. I've been a vegetarian and am now dairy free. It really saves on the grocery bill! There are a lot of Mason jars, in my pantry, full of beans and legumes. I have a freezer full of cooked beans and vegan meals. My garden veggies will be in the freezer really soon! I can make 5 days' worth of vegan dinners for just a couple of dollars. I feel amazing.
*I've also used a small greenhouse for the first time. I grew veggies all through the winter! It was amazing to go outside, sweep off some snow, and snip some lettuce for dinner!