Friday, June 12, 2020

A new approach to life: minimalism

I have spent the past nearly 2 years "decluttering". 

Image result for free stuff by curb

I gave away, sold or threw away approximately 75% of what I previously owned. Then I sit back and think, "why did I have so much stuff?" What was I thinking? Did I really need a whole room of crafting supplies? 4 navy blue tops? 1,000 books? (or maybe just 500?)

I held onto so much of my parents belongings, that it took up 3/4 of our storage space! Why? Most of it held zero personal value to me. I just felt guilty giving everything away.

I laughed with the rest of the world when it was said that we should keep no more than 30 books. I had 3 large bookshelves full plus 38 boxes full!!! I now have about 50 or so. I feel good with that number! Although the library is currently closed to Covid, I know that one day they will reopen and I will have access to thousands of titles.

I have had a problem with online ordering during the stay at home order. I ordered things I have no use for, and have been giving them away.  Every time a package was delivered, I cringed a bit. WHY? My way of coping during the pandemic, maybe? I don't really know. I do know that I am now back on track, financially and mentally, and can start from here. I am about to go back to work, so sitting at home looking at online stores will no longer be a thing.

These are strange times, with different rules.

I will once again hold myself accountable, via this blog. This will be my way of getting my life back to "before times".

I must also say that Black Lives DO Matter! If you do not agree, please go away now. 

Have a beautiful day, be well and find joy in the every day.