Monday, August 28, 2023

Goodbye to my craft room!


I had a craft room. Not a very large room, mind you, but a room full of stuff! I "needed" all of the stuff! Most of it was second hand or purchased with coupons. They were bargains! Really!

 I loved to make things. Crafting made me happy. I enjoyed giving home made gifts. I seriously doubt that the gift receivers enjoyed receiving said gifts. LOL.

I woke up one day, looked around me and felt overwhelmed. Why do I own so much stuff? I slowly started to sell or give away about 90% of what I owned. I felt lighter and happier with the removal of each item. The room is now used for another, more needed purpose.

I went from a room full of drawers, bookshelves and baskets of stuff down to 2 boxes of crafting supplies. I have all that I need. It's easy to find things. I am happier.