Wednesday, October 20, 2010

free samples!!!

Most people really aren't interested in samples. I'm not sure why!? They are free. Hello?! When I was a new mom, I worked as a product demonstrator. I worked most Saturdays, which gave me time to see "big" people and get out of the house for a few hours. Oh, and a little paycheck was nice. Sounds great, right? Well I couldn't give things away no matter how hard I tried! I would stand in the refrigerated section for hours, trying to feed people and/or offer trial sizes. People would walk around my table and not make eye contact. ~ha ha~

Now, I search out these samples. I try to time my shopping at Sam's Club to coincide with "sample time" Seriously! 2 more minutes for an eggroll? Okay. I'll be right here.

The same for samples in the mail. Now, I love to get mail anyway. So, going to the mailbox and seeing these little packages is like Christmas in my mailbox! LOVE IT! {maybe I should gift wrap them for myself. Hmmm...} You just never know what will be there. A box of cereal? A cereal bar? A little tube of toothpaste? Tampons? ha ha. It's always a nice surprise.

Just yesterday, I checked the mail and found a full size Kashi TLC Strawberry bar there. I wasn't quick enough and lost it to my son. Dang! I must get a bit faster with checking the mail and running away with my booty!!! Although he did give me the packaging, which included a coupon. By the way, if you are interested, he says it was delicious.

There are a few sites that I frequent, to sign up for free samples. Walmart is always good for personal hygiene samples.

The Freebie Blogger is another great place to find samples and free trials!

If you have some time on your hands, then this site is the place for you! I actually spent about an hour there last month! There are that many samples to sign up to receive. I am reaping those rewards as we speak! he he

The thing to remember is that you most likely will be put on their mailing list. I have already planned for this. I have a separate email that I use just for online purchases and/or for requesting samples and coupons. I can get to the emails when I'm ready and don't have to worry about going through tons of them to get to my personal email. Pure genius!


  1. Hi! Cool blog! Just discovered it because I'm a fan of the Family Homestead's. Wanted to invite you to follow my blog. I'm thinking of posting some info on grocery budget etc. One of my last posts had to do w/frugality - this is a topic close to my heart. Please take a peek and "follow" my blog! I'll sign up to follow yours as well!!!

  2. Well, thank you! Positive feedback is always appreciated. I did just check out your blog and stole your coffee recipe! Thanks! =)
