Tuesday, December 21, 2010

declutter update and a simple Christmas

I have been so busy with getting ready for Christmas, that I have fallen behind in my decluttering challenge. The past two days, I have been going through closets and drawers like a crazy woman. I will have 2 bags to donate today. That feels good.

I have been receiving small gifts from friends lately. My friends and I agree that giving a gift to someone that you found in your home has just as much meaning as one that you went out and purchased! I had two books that I really enjoyed,{both bought on clearance} and I knew two friends that would enjoy them as well. One friend gave me a lovely teapot that she had loved, but she knew that I would enjoy it. I love that idea! Why go broke looking for the "perfect" gift

I also received a gift that I know was found at a thrift store. How cool is that? She went out, thinking of me, and spent a small amount on a gift that she knew I would adore! That makes my heart happy.

I found gifts for my children at the Goodwill. Will they care? Not likely. I found my son some brand new guitar strings. I was in a music store recently and found the same strings for $99! The set that I found is missing a couple, but was $5! He will be thrilled.


  1. I am on a really tight budget, so all gifts come second hand. I've never had a complaint. I agree that it's totally the thought that counts, not the amount spent!

  2. Shopping your home is a great idea. My family had a "second hand" Christmas one year. You can read about it here: http://easyfrugalliving.blogspot.com/2007/12/our-frugal-christmas.html

    We have always felt that the thought that goes into a gift is what is important. That year we were trying to make a point to a couple other family members. lol OF course they were the biggest complainers about the "rule" that year.

    I've always given thrift store finds if I had found something I knew was perfect for someone. My gifts have always been received well.

  3. Linda- thanks for your comment! I agree, it is the thought!!

  4. Lisa- I love your blog. Great post. Thanks for the link. I have been trying to get some family members "on board" with thrift shopping for gifts. I am having no luck. They must spend top dollar. I'm not sure why. I've never had anyone say "hey, did you buy this a thrift store? Well then no thank you!" I tried to have a $10 Christmas this year {max amount spent per person} but it was not well received. Oh well. Thanks for your comments! I really appreciate it.
