Saturday, December 3, 2011

what to do with all of these recipes?

I have read quite a few blogs, where the author has a small repertoire of recipes. It has been said to make menu planning easier on them.

I have said several times, both out loud and in my head, that I consider this to be restricting. I just know we'd get bored of eating the same thing over and over again. Hubby disagrees. He would happily eat about 5 recipes repeatedly. Oh geez.

I was recently going though my recipe file, to prepare my menu and grocery list, and was overwhelmed. I have quite a few recipes. I think that I may just go through them all, and remove anything that I've either never made or haven't made in a long while. I'll set them all aside, and if I don't use them in a month or they will go to the recycling bin.

I'm beginning to appreciate the simplicity of a smaller recipe box.

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